May 8, 2012

{Tuesday's Tip} Healthy Toddler Eating Habits

Today's tip is simple but could really make a big difference at dinner.
Do you have young children that snack or sip from their sippy cup all day? 

Sometimes by the time dinner comes, young children are not hungry because they have recently had a snack.  To solve this problem, simply feed children small meals several times a day.  Eat breakfast.  Then let them have a small snack.  Have lunch and then three hours later another small snack.  Then nothing until dinner.  Give the children mostly water to drink throughout the day.  A small amount of juice and milk is good as well but should be limited.

If you can, it is best if children eat their food at the kitchen table instead of by the TV or other play area.  This helps them to learn when they are hungry and full because they are eating their food all at one time rather than pecking at it a little here and a little there.

Include simple, healthy foods with your meals so that your young children can eat on their own with the rest of the family.  Also, water helps to keep them hydrated and their teeth healthy and strong because they won't get too much sugar from punches, juice, and milk.

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